Uncommon Sense

Trust in the LORD with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths.
Practice unquestioning trust in My strong love.
Be optimistic—rely on My promises to brighten the future.
Confide in Me and live confidently—rest assured in My omnipotence.
Worship your Unrivaled Lord.
I am eternally the same—unchanging in a constantly changing world.
I have always loved you, and I always will.
Serve Me with unreserved devotion.
Unconditionally and wholeheartedly give Me your finest effort.
Live and work with this one thought in mind—My smile.
Submit to My unlimited mastery.
Physically, take care of your body—it is a temple of My Holy Spirit.
Sexually, practice self-control—My Holy Spirit can discipline impulses.
Financially, give Me My due—you just manage, but I own everything.
Emotionally, sail through high seas on an even keel—I am your peace.
Travel joyfully on an untarnished journey.
I am the Travel Companion of the uncompromisingly righteous.
Travel grace’s beautiful boulevard, revelation’s scenic route,
faith’s winding mountain path, liberty’s freeway, love’s avenue,
and the breathtaking high road of ultimate significance.
Apply uncommon wisdom.
Self-confidence without taking My Word to heart is the mark of a fool.
Accepting Scripture as the Final Answer is the mark of the truly wise.
Steer clear of detours into the limiting world of human logic.
Stay off the toll road of self-indulgence.
Avoid the dead-end of pessimism.
Have the uncommon sense to follow My map through life’s maze.
(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 251, Gentle Whispers from Eternity