What Time is It?

Another reason for right living is that you know how late it is; time is running out.
Romans 13:11 NLT
Time ticks away—like money, it can be spent as you like, but only once.
Life is not a dress rehearsal.
An anonymous poet expressed the poignant truth:
Only one life, ’twill soon be past; Only what’s done for Christ will last.
Thoreau was right—killing time injures eternity (Walden).
Procrastination is not a good idea—regrets are futile.
Today is the day of salvation and of service—Get busy!
It is time to advance My cause.
Work for My kingdom—make it your primary concern.
Do more than build your own kingdom—advance Mine!
Work in My power, not your own—be energized by My Spirit.
Outsoar mediocrity, outrun temptation, outwalk lethargy.
Work for My glory, not human applause and recognition.
Be earnest and disciplined—make a conscious effort to honor Me.
It is time to announce My coming.
Dark-alley secrets will be revealed in the broad daylight of judgment.
You are a child of the Light—be sure you live that way!
Be optimistic as you await sunrise—rest easy.
Be courageous as you await My Advent—relax.
My kingdom will come—tell everyone who will listen the Good News.
My will shall be done on earth, as in heaven—give others a preview.
It is time to allow My control.
Do what comes naturally, act like the Devil—and you will self-destruct.
Do what comes supernaturally, act like Jesus—and find great joy.
Search for My help, and I will deliver you from the evil one.
Stay near My heart, and I will develop your character for eternity.
You do not have much time—prepare for your appointment with Me.
Yield to My mastery, and do not be embarrassed when time is over.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond Gentle Whispers from Eternity
(Book available on Amazon.com)