
Come to me … and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28 NLT
Consider this your personal invitation from the King of hearts—
written in blood, dispatched from grace, stained by tears, signed with love.
Come to Me—not human resources, sinful pleasures, or popular opinions.
Surrender to Me and experience the best conquest of all—a conquered heart.
Come to Me—not obsessive-compulsive rituals, not pious-theatrical religion.
Yield to Me and experience an uncommon miracle—a calm heart.
Come to Me–not false gods of the heart—ego, money, status, possessions.
Augustine was right—your heart will be restless until you rest in Me.
I hide wisdom from sophisticated smart-alecks—I reveal it to trusting children.
Worship Me and I will be real to you and give you true riches—a contented heart.
Come to Me—not imagined self-sufficiency; you are made of dust, not steel.
My peace is an extraordinary out-of-your-world gift—receive it—relax.
Depend on Me and I will help you succeed and give you more—a confident heart.
Come to Me—and learn how to live—
Purposefully—not trudging and toiling; yoked to Jesus, patiently productive.
Peacefully—trading hectivity for My home, giving up madness for My mastery.
Calmly—bravely riding out storms on life’s sea, relaxing in faith’s quiet zone.
Meekly—traveling the only road that leads you to Me—humility.
Easily—keeping My commands, which does not chafe like Satan’s bondage.
Gently—not stepping on those who are down, not quenching hopes of the sad.
Lightheartedly—letting Me carry your burdens for you, so you can travel light.
Learn My lessons well—advance toward My dream for you—a Christlike heart.
Come to Me—you are invited to nestle near My heart; here is how—
Exchange your yoke of self-imposed stress for My yoke of sustained repose.
Drop your overburdening cares, and delight in My overshadowing concern.
Step off your unrealistic schedule treadmill, and rest in My gentle way.
RSVP yes to heaven’s invitation and find the secret of peace—a consecrated heart.
(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 308, Gentle Whispers from Eternity