Second Coming – Second Thoughts

Just as the lightning flashes from the east and shines and is seen
as far as the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.
Watch [be cautious and active] for you do not know
in what kind of a day your Lord is coming.
Matthew 24:27, 42 THE AMPLIFIED BIBLE
My return will be evident to skeptics—the end of the world for atheists.
Those who thought it would never happen will be convinced—too late.
My Presence will be as obvious as lightning lighting up the entire sky.
The Second Coming is more than a doctrine—it will really happen.
You can count on it—you have My Word.
The King’s return will be unmistakable.
My return will be exciting to saints—the ecstasy of worship for believers.
The King of kings will unite unsettled nations and rule the universe.
The surprise and shock will be more than many people can bear.
The Second Coming will bring the future perfect tense I have promised.
Everything will be transformed for the better when I put My foot down.
The King’s return will be unimaginably beautiful.
My return will be enlightening to the sincere—
the encouragement of wonder for the redeemed.
The triumph of righteousness will obliterate the darkness of evil.
Constellations will fade in the light of the Bright Morning Star.
To the lost, My return will mean tragedy—outer darkness with no exit.
To the saved, My Second Coming will mean triumph—eternal light.
The King’s return will bring unending celebration.
My return will be embarrassing to the slothful—
the exposing of waste to the lazy.
The unprepared will blush with shame—and cry tears of futile regret.
The King’s return, to them, will be uncomfortable—to say the least.
Are you surrendered to Me as your King? Then be subject to change!
Are you convinced I am actually going to return? Then live like it!
Are you persuaded you have an interview with Me? Then get ready!

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond Day 311, Gentle Whispers from Eternity