The Savior’s Joy

Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them,
and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them.
They were terrified, but the angel reassured them, “Don’t be afraid!
I bring you good news of great joy to all people. The Savior—yes, the Messiah,
the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!”
Luke 2:9-11 NLT
Glory surrounds you!
In the midst of ordinary, everyday living, I am with you—
nearer than your hands and feet, closer than your heartbeat.
Do not spend too much time pondering this Mystery—
Listen to life’s thrilling symphony, not just single notes.
Savor the feast, do not analyze the recipe’s ingredients.
Surrender your heart to Me, or you will bypass peace.
There is no need to be terrorized by My Presence.
In the darkness, My face reflects heaven’s radiant light.
I empower you—hush, and hear My voice; trust, and be strong.
I love you—draw near My cross and be reassured.
I keep you sane—fix your mind on Me and find equanimity.
Even in your gloomy routine, extraordinary glory envelops you.
Hear My surround sound—birds sing melodies I taught them.
No matter how dreary your day, I can teach you to sing too.
Good news saves you!
I am Immanuel—God with you, your Greatest Blessing.
I am the Wonderful Counselor—leading you through life’s maze.
I am the Mighty God—reinforcing you to battle the evil one.
I am the Everlasting Father—stabilizing you in change and decay.
I am the Prince of Peace—calming you in chaos and pandemonium.
Great joy sustains you!
I am the Savior with authority to forgive—restoring joy.
I am the God with a heart—acquitting repentant sinners.
I am the God making your heart My home—bringing glory.
I am the King with a plan for the ages—focusing your life.
Dejection wanes when you make My joy your strength.
Life means opportunities to serve Me, so there’s no need to drift.
I am your Center of Gravity, Supervisor, and Reward.
I am the Lord whose mastery liberates your heart.
Commit sin and you’ll become addicted to evil habits.
Use the key of faith and I will remove Satan’s handcuffs.
Free, leap for joy like a calf gamboling in a springtime meadow.
Whatever else you plan to do today, remember I created it for joy.
Celebrate My joy from sunrise to sunset. Revel in your Savior!

© Johnny R. Almond Gentle Whispers from Eternity